
General Intensive Session – Certified Angel Card Readings

1.5 hours $150.00 Choose a general session if you are unsure of what exactly it is you need assistance with or would like to work on. This is a perfect session to schedule if you have a few areas that you would love clarity on. Klaudia will provide insight and guidance to help you gain clarity. Personalized Love & Life Angel readings that promote emotional wellness. My work provides programs, tools, processes, teachings, support and energy for you to free yourself from the layers of false conditioning and limiting beliefs about who you are, where you have come from and why you are here.

Online Therapy Transformational programs – Emotional Mastery Coaching

  Healing from Mother Wound
The mother wound can be defined as your mother not being emotionally attuned and available to you as a child. She may have been present physically but emotionally absent.

This program is available for purchase to guide, understand, and to provide healing by becoming aware of what the mother wound means and how it can impact your well-being as an adult.

It is possible to heal from the pain of having an emotionally absent and/or self absorbed mother. This program offers you some actionable steps towards healing from the mother wound. Your mother wound may be very different from another person’s, however there are some commonalities in experiences. 

It is important to start the healing process from the very basics of understanding the relationship you had with your mother and then moving on towards building a clearer sense of who you are as an individual. Often facing the pain of mother wound is very difficult, but at the same time, it can help you to free you from the pain you are likely to carry. These steps can help you on your journey of recovery from the mother wound. Customized programs available.

Father Wound
Understanding and healing the father wound
We all come into the world helpless, dependent and needing acceptance, to be treated as worthy, and to be blessed. The father wound is the absence of this love from your birth father. The wound can be caused by:
Neglect – I am unimportant

Absence- Divorce, seperation, death

Abuse – Mental, physical, sexual, spiritual

Control – Oppressive domination

Withholding – Love, blessings and/or affirmation, deficiencies that lead to a profound lack of self-acceptance. 
The effect of a father wound is low-self esteem, a deep emotional pain inside and a performance orientation.
You can’t address a problem you don’t know exists.
Customized programs available.

Healing From Narcissism
If you’ve recently ended a toxic relationship with someone with narcissistic traits, you’re likely dealing with plenty of hurt and confusion.
Even when you know deep down, that you weren’t to blame, believing this is often another story entirely.
Wondering what you could have done differently to prevent abuse or help your loved one address their issues can add to your emotional turmoil.
You know the relationship wasn’t healthy. You’re aware they mistreated you. But you still can’t shake your memories of how you felt in the beginning and the good times you had. These memories might lead you to crave their company and feel like you’d do anything to earn their love and approval again. Abuse is often deeply traumatizing, and the healing process can take some time. The trauma of a toxic relationship can also leave you with symptoms of post-tramatic stress disorder(PTSD).
Customized programs available.

Core Wound Programs

Crystal Light Chakra Therapy

Align Mind, Body, and Soul

Chakra Balance, Activate, Release blocked emotions.

Relaxation, and Stress Release Therapy

60 min session $120.00 including


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Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 9:00am – 5:00pm EST