There are a thousand reasons why a relationship can be broken, but conflicts are not one of them, even though we usually blame them for ruptures. In reality, conflicts are usually just the excuse, relationships are broken because we do not know how to manage those conflicts, so they end up generating an insurmountable emotional distance.

Conflicts serve to strengthen the relationship

Conflicts are an extraordinary source of change. They are not negative, but contain the germ of transformation and growth. Stable couples who have been around for years, for example, are not those who have not had conflicts but those who have been able to overcome and use them to strengthen the relationship.

Conflicts are the expression of differences and desires found, so they are also an excellent opportunity to clarify expectations. They serve to reaffirm, on the one hand, the individuality of the members of the couple and, on the other, to encourage them to approach opposite extremes.

Paulo Coelho was not wrong when he said that “Conflicts make love grow”. With no doubts, they put it to the test, so they are the bricks with which we create a resilient relationship, to everything and everyone.

It is in this dialogue, in the search for points in common, that the relationship is strengthened and grows. When everyone gives a little, the relationship strengthens and each member commits a little more, learns to be a little more tolerant and advances another step towards maturity.